chroot or xen? + general questions
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- 9 months 3 weeks ago
- 2013-06-27
I am considering to switch from Arch to Alpine, but will still require some applications still not available in Alpine - most importantly
LibreOffice (in the ports? - is there a searchable web interface for what is available there like the AUR?) and citrix receiver (binary, so glibc dependent - I could possibly try to run the windows variant under Wine..., but that would mean also running a browser under Wine.... :( ).
I found this wiki page that would make life much easier
now that pacman is in the packages, I guess one could do the bootstrap without installing bash and wget... ?
and with some fiddling it might even be possible to get it nicely integrated in the rest of the system (something like schroot?)
especially the minimal 32-bit variant could be interesting.
An alternative would ofcourse be to do Xen and run applications like that - however: Can one configure Xen guests to directly access files on the home partition?
What would be the best solution? A QubesOS-like solution, but with Alpine as Dom0 could be cool...
Don't expect LibeOffice anytime soon. Alpine currently only has limited amount of devs.
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