Nginx ngx_http_sub_module
Wed, 2015-11-18 22:29
- Offline
- 2 years 4 months ago
- 2015-11-18
I'd really like to use the Nginx ngx_http_sub_module, which provides directives to replace text in responses. This would require adding the --with-http_sub_module
flag to the configure step. I'd submit a patch, but I'm not really sure where to submit it, and I'm having a hard time finding anything about the process. Can anyone tell me how I would go about getting that flag added?
Hi Brian,
I we have been working on building some custom alpine packages, here is a repo with example APKBUILD file for nginx
This configuration adds collectd metrics from nginx and amazon AWS s3 authentication (so you can proxy private s3 buckets with nginx).
If you want to try building nginx yourself, try this tool: