alpine or minimal unbuntu/debian for edge router

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#1 Fri, 2017-02-24 18:58
  • dkebler's picture
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I have a new x86 box (J1900, celeron with 2gb ram and 16gb storage) that I am going to set up as an edge router, reverse proxy server, firewall. I plan to run a web interface for configuration using nginx, and a reverse proxy server via nodejs code. So I will want the box to be a docker host as well as have nodejs and pm2 installed.

I am very familiar with ubuntu/debian and just planned to use a minimal build of that but I am wondering if it would be better to use alpine linux despite a learning curve. I wonder about how easy it will be to install/set up, ssh, docker (host) , nginx, and nodejs. I know Alpine is used as a trim container os, and vm guest os but wondering about any issues as a host os for docker.

Any insightful input on my option would be appreciated. Maybe someone already has a Alpine image available with the setup I describe? Where does the community share their customized images?