Command-Line Scripting
Tue, 2015-07-21 02:34
AJ Garnello
- Offline
- 2 years 8 months ago
- 2015-07-21
I'm looking for advice on automating a bash script with the purpose of: sending a txt file routinely, every day. I'm currently running a command-line only shell of Ubuntu 14.04, and am relatively new to linux in general.
I have used the following command
# alpine (side-carrot) /home/sample.txt
but this command opens up Alpine, and requires ctrl-X to send (in addition to entering the password). I was able to remove the confirmation que in the Alpine config settings. How can I bypass the ctrl-X input, and have my password be entered automatically, as part of the bash script?
Thank you!
We are the alpine linux project, not the alpine email client.
Sorry for the confusion.