confusing flavours
Tue, 2016-06-21 10:48
- Offline
- 1 year 9 months ago
- 2016-03-01
So obviously we can use different releases of alpine (standard, extended, vanilla ... wth is 'virtual' meaning?). But what's the difference between the iso's? I can't find any documentation about it. Can someone help and explain the flavours and/or improve the download-page?
(just to be clear: parsing a ton of release notes is not an option)
thanks in advance
Mouse-over the download links should give you a short description. Alpine-virt essentially contains a Linux kernel optimised for virtual machines.
A similar question was asked here:
virtual is optimized for VM environments (sadly I have no details) but standard and extended are the same (afaik) except extended includes more packages.
Generally speaking, "standard" is the one to go for if you have internet connectivity and in my experience is also fine for VM's; other flavours are usually used under 'special' circumstances or if problems are encountered e.g. in a VM environment.