IPFS Mirror of Alpine-Linux packages

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#1 Thu, 2017-01-12 12:13
  • VictorBjelkholm's picture
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IPFS is a peer-to-peer technology that makes it easy to distribute large directories of files and leveraging P2P technologies while being able to verify that you get the right content.

I've worked on getting all the latest alpine-linux packages into IPFS to save us some time and bandwidth in CI systems. Mainly, if we point APK to our IPFS mirror, packages would only download from the internet once (at least that version) and then be locally cached in the IPFS daemon.

Now I feel ready to share this mirror for other alpine-linux users. Currently, the mirror contains all packages for 3.4, 3.5 and edge.

Hash for 3.4: QmRsvEpJggeu4HhoafzRFobV4sbwVVTXMrdb2p8XWv7bCS
Hash for 3.5: QmQeE2YmmmWakwXs42NpcEzTYtEWYXDHjrZ1U5CfhZzjYq
Hash for edge: QmYbkvmxWTDnJcKdcH5gzZ8BsLNadRQ8NvgRdoMpDzvFA4
Full mirror: QmWXaL53PDvNASnkRYzozmPMaz5HVgHRP2t9pCQdNG4j9a

Either you can point APK to ipfs.io/ipfs/:hash so in the case of the full mirror, it would be https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmWXaL53PDvNASnkRYzozmPMaz5HVgHRP2t9pCQdNG4j9a or if you have a daemon running, you can point it to http://localhost:8080/ipfs/QmWXaL53PDvNASnkRYzozmPMaz5HVgHRP2t9pCQdNG4j9a . I suggest trying to run your own daemon, since that gives you the most benefit.

I've put the source code of the mirroring process here: https://github.com/victorbjelkholm/alpine-mirror

And I've also published the archiving effort as a Github issue over here: https://github.com/ipfs/archives/issues/83

You feel like something is missing or could be better done? Please tell me about it :)