Raspberry Pi Build
Sat, 2016-02-06 19:27
- Offline
- 2 years 1 month ago
- 2016-02-06
I'm trying to get started building a custom disk image for Raspberry Pi.
I've searched around and found the Wiki entry for building ISOs, but am at a loss for how to get started making the Raspberry Pi tarball from scratch. Can somebody give me a pointer?
Thanks in advance,
I am completely new to this site; but, I found two links that may help you.
Edit: Another link with the same files that seems to be on a more well know site http://git.alpinelinux.org/cgit/alpine-iso/tree/
The files alpine-rpi.conf.mk and alpine-rpi.packages look like a good starting point to do the directions from below link.
I hope these links help you.
Tim S.
Thanks @stahta01, the custom iso's page was where I started but hadn't seen the other link.
Once I figured out that I needed to build the RPI image on an Raspberry Pi (not cross-compile), it seems to be happier. I've started the build but it looks like, it's going to take a while, I'll report back once it's stopped. FWIW, it's churning through a fresh "make PROFILE=alpine-rpi iso"