Switching the system and applications to use /dev/urandom

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#1 Tue, 2017-02-28 22:44
  • jstuyts's picture
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After finding out that a lack of entropy was stalling my automated installation: https://forum.alpinelinux.org/forum/installation/solved-setup-alpine-started-inittab-hangs-repository-update, I now want the system and applications to use /dev/urandom.

NOTE: I have read about the differences between /dev/random and /dev/urandom. With a little help of confirmation bias I believe what is said in this article: http://www.2uo.de/myths-about-urandom/, and am willing to accept the possible security risks of using /dev/urandom. I am setting up a home network and not a production network for a large enterprise.

Where necessary I can always ensure enough entropy was available before /dev/urandom is used, by executing the following command before applications that use /dev/urandom: dd if=/dev/random of=/dev/null bs=32 count=1

I understand that I may have to configure each application independently. Although appreciated, I do not need instructions for well-documented applications as I should be able to find that myself.

As the installation seems to hang during apk update, I am mostly interested in configuring apk to use /dev/urandom, but could not find information about how to do this on the wiki. Is it possible to have apk use /dev/urandom?