Thank You

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#1 Mon, 2015-08-31 15:29
  • cxc's picture
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  • Last seen: 2 years 7 months ago
  • Joined: 2015-08-31

Guys, thank you very much for Alpine Linux. I have been using Linux since kernel release 0.99 PR-1 in 1992 and, in that time, twenty-three years, have never before seen such an utterly fantastic compilation of all the right software compiled and distributed in all the right ways. Alpine Linux shines above every other distribution not only for its software and compilation choices, but also for the advanced MIS skills that have been used to create all of the installation methods. And what can be said about the package management except that it's brilliant to say the least: I never imagined that I could have so much choice and control using a package. I am sincerely and over-the-top impressed to the point that I can hardly believe what a gem I have found in the Linux distribution that you have created. I also thank you not only for not drinking the systemd Kool-Aid, but also for using the musl libc, busybox, no bash in the default installation, grsecurity, and position independent executables. What an innovative and classy system! The only general point that I can make about improving the distribution is that the documentation seems like a weak point because most of it appears to be out of date and/or incomplete. (But no problem - you guys are easy to follow.) And the only feature request I can make is that I would love to see you incorporate vdev ( if you ever get the chance. Again, thank you very much!