Alpine Mini - won't install
Tue, 2013-07-30 20:25
- Offline
- 4 years 8 months ago
- 2013-07-30
I tried both ways using USB stick and CD burnt .iso. But it just won't start any installation.
Nothing wrong with either USB or CD. Both are detected by the BIOS and I can actually install other things.
But it just won't run the .iso image. Doesn't detect anything, cursor just keeps flashing.
Any idea why?
Could you please download the latest .iso image and try it again?
I had a similar problem with the XEN version. My solution was to use extlinux, it needs just a few steps:
1) create 1st primary partition on the USB device and mark it bootable (cfdisk is handy)
2) mkfs.ext3 and mount the partition
3) copy the contens of the iso image to the partition (not using dd!)
4) mv syslinux.cfg to extlinux.conf
5) locate the syslinux or extlinux MBR and cat it > /dev/device (not partition)
6) run "extlinux /mount/point/where/the/partition/is/mounted"
That did the trick for me, but please note that i am completly new to Alpine Linux... This may not be the right thing to do.
The mbr is normally in /usr/share/syslinux/mbr.bin
We normally use vfat and syslinux. There is a script called setup-bootable shipped with alpine-conf package that can create a bootable usb (given that the partition has boot flag set and mbr is correct)