Installation steps required to setup pure memory Alpine in LXD container
Tue, 2017-10-24 16:28
- Offline
- 5 months 1 week ago
- 2015-06-25
I've taken on several new clients recently with WordPress sites designed by clueless developers.
For example, one site requires nearly 1000 SQL SELECTs + 100s of UPDATEs to render one page.
Trying to... replumb all this SQL + keep the site running looks to be very complex + time consuming.
As an interim step, seems like running a version of Alpine which boots to memory + runs completely out of memory is the only hope for this type of site.
I can manage MariaDB/MySQL replication, so data volatility isn't an issue.
I'd like to setup LXD containers running Alpine, so when containers start all system files are memory based (so no disk i/o at all).
Someone point me to some URL which gives clues about how to do this.