Only partly installed in Virtualbox
Sat, 2016-02-20 16:50
- Offline
- 2 years 1 month ago
- 2016-02-20
Hi, new to Alpine, seasoned in Linux.
I try to install Alpine 3.3.1 32 bit on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS 64 bit (up to date) in Virtualbox, but it behaves strange:
Installation goes on fine, I setup hostname, keyboard time zone etc and eventually reboot as requested. Machine reboots alright, but all changes are discarded: hostname is localhost, wrong keyboard and so on. If I BEFORE I reboot install nano, I can edit and save files in /etc, but after reboot nano is gone too and "apk add nano" doesn't work any more ("ERROR: unsatisfiable constraints:" blah blah)
I install to "sys". Virtualbox is 4.3.x but due to these problems I upgraded to 5.0.14 but without any changes.
So, what's going on?
Any chance you forgot to remove the ISO from the VBox install. It sounds like you are hitting the ISO.