Unable to create package for google-authenticator

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#1 Wed, 2016-02-10 00:43
  • fabn's picture
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I need google-authenticator library () packaged for Alpine Linux to use it in a Docker image.

Since there's no packaged version of it I tried to build a package by myself.

However I'm encountering issues in doing that. Here's what I did so far:


When I manually execute the required steps the software is build with no issues, e.g.

# From cloned repository
docker-compose run sdk
# In docker container
cd /tmp && wget <a href="https://github.com/google/google-authenticator/archive/c0404dcdbda9ab9e4f0b8451ecdd44eee8db2425.zip
unzip" rel="nofollow">https://github.com/google/google-authenticator/archive/c0404dcdbda9ab9e4f0b8451ecdd44eee8db2425.zip
unzip</a> c0404dcdbda9ab9e4f0b8451ecdd44eee8db2425.zip
cd google-authenticator-c0404dcdbda9ab9e4f0b8451ecdd44eee8db2425/libpam
./bootstrap.sh && ./configure && make # Libraries and binaries successfully built

If I run abuild -r from package directory (`/home/fabn/google-authenticator`) I get a different config.h file and the build fails.

Here are the differences from two config files https://gist.github.com/fabn/d7997cb40143c06584c0

I checked in aports git repository for other packages using the same recipe and they work with no issue.

What I'm doing wrong?