Broadcom wireless package installation
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- 2 months 2 weeks ago
- 2014-10-14
Hi Guys,
Been doing various thing with Alpine for about a year now and so far so good. I appreciate all the work the devs have put into it!
I recently became stuck when I ran up Alpine from USB on old Dell netbook and needed to get the Broadcom firmware/drivers working for the wireless adapter. I found the note at the bottom of the page which pointed me in the right direction:
Working through the Wiki I installed the alpine-sdk, configured git and cloned aports, then compiled the b43 source into an apk package. All good.
My problem is that I now have a nice b43-firmware- file and don't know how to install it! I have searched the forums and the Wiki with no luck. How do I tell apk to install from a local file?
to add a package stored locally, just pass the path to apk add
Thanks, I thought it would be something obvious like that. When I tried it however, I got:
I have rebooted and run abuild again but still get the same result. Is this a problem with the apk file?
This is what the output of abuild -r looks like:
This worries me
"WARNING: b43-firmware: Missing package() function in APKBUILD"
Can you post the APKBUILD file here?
It's this one, I just git cloned it as per usual:
worked for me
try mine
Thanks for that, I pulled it down and tried it but I'm getting a similar error message!
Interestingly though, the packages are different sizes...
I'm running the i686 build of Alpine 3.0.5 on USB. Is something up with my system?
I'd be wondering if /lib/firmware is readonly; check the output of
I tried running it ram only. /.mod_loop/firmware is read only in this setup. I'm guessing that his setup is also not sys. I attempted to use lbu and configured it to back up the firmware directory. I then modified the back up and repackaged it in the hopes it would override the firmware directory on boot up. It failed to do so and it actually took a lot longer to boot up. My usb stick timed out repeatedly. The computer I have does not boot correctly on usb devices so I'm stuck with the cdrom. Any suggestions on what to do next? I looked at the iso and tried to see if there would be an easy way to patch the firmware in. There is a list of apk's, but I am not sure if it loads all of them or if it uses the index or one of the configuration files to load them.
Hi guys, I have this same problem.
I'm attempting to run Alpine Linux 3.4.4 on a Raspberry Pi 3.
I can manually compile the b43-firmware as instructed, and successfully generate the .apk file. Then, when attempting to Install the apk, I get errors related to writing to the lib/firmware directories as above.
I'm sure this is related to /lib/firmware being part of the Read-only filesystem, and this is a run-from-ram install.
Any tips on how to get past this? Really need wifi, and dont want to have to get a redundant adapter....
@DTM_NV: apk add b43-firmware-
I installed alpine linux to harddisk and then try to setup broadcom wireless.
I got the same error when I build the b43 firmware: WARNING: Ignoring ... packages/non-free/x86_64/APKINDEX.tar.gz: No such file or directory.
I do get a b43-firmware- file even though I get that warning.
I installed it with sudo apk add apk file name.
wireless still doesn't work. when I type "sudo ip link set wlan0 up", it gives "ip: ioctl 0x8914 failed: No error information"
After that I chmod the /lib/firmware to drwxrwxrwx. And I still get that warning, and wireless still doesn't work. same error.
The info on the wiki is kind of vague. I tried to follow it.
" Note: BROADCOM WIFI CHIPSET USERS will need to compile the firmware manually for their chipset. First, apk add alpine-sdk, then git clone aports from, switch to the aports/non-free/b43-firmware folder, then run abuild -r. Install the generated apk file. Run fwcutter, and you should be good to go."
What to do with fwcutter?? It took me a while to find "apk add b43-fwcutter" (need to connect to the internet through ethernet to do this.) gives a command called "b43-fwcutter" is that the fwcutter it talks about??
(hopefully someone figures this out a couple months later...)
Hi all,
I am facing the same problem with Raspberry Pi. As everyone else, the compilation of the package runs OK despite the following warning
>>> WARNING: b43-firmware: No package() function in APKBUILD
Installing the generated APK is not successful, and gives the following errors:
I think the wiki does not provide enough information for compiling broadcom chipset and installing it successfully
Any thoughts or clues ?
hi All,
just an update - in the Raspberry Pi I discovered that the correct kernel driver is already there !!.. the usb dongle should automatically be detected in dmesg
if you have a Broadcom Wireless adapter, you do not need to compile anything, just follow the wiki to activate.
This might help others struggling with Alpine + built-in RPi 3 WiFi (no wlan0 device) because the official image is missing the required broadcom modules.
NB - Alpine for Raspberry Pi runs in diskless mode so root (/) is mounted in tmpfs. Changes are saved with {lbu include /path/; lbu commit} :
1. Official image is missing wifi drivers for RPi3 - get drivers using following links - 1. (refers to building this with {abuild -r}: also referenced in post 5 above) and 2.
2. Once APK is built using link 1 above, extract using tar xzf (will create /lib/firmware/b43, you will need this and the downloaded brcmfmac43430-sdio* files (link 2) in step 4
3. Modules are loaded from /lib/firmware/ which is loop-back mounted from a read-only squashfs filesystem in /media/mmcblk0p1/boot/modloop-rpi2 - this needs to be modified and saved for modules to be accessible on next boot:
4. Add the /lib/firmware/b43/ folder to /lib/firmware/ in the unsquashed folder (squashfs/modules/firmware...) and the downloaded brcmfmac43430-sdio* files to /lib/firmware/brcm/
5. Squash again in a separate location (with the same modloop-rpi2 name) and overwrite the /media/mmcblk0p1/boot/modloop-rpi2 file - if you try to squash over the existing file it appends a modules_1 folder instead of adding files to modules
6. Reboot and your wifi modules should be loaded automatically